Why Secure Web Gateway Is Crucial to Your Business

Secure Web Gateway

This article will help you understand why secure web gateway is crucial to your business. So, if you think you need this information, then you are in the right post.

Why Secure Web Gateway Is Crucial to Your Business

To begin, a secure web gateway or SWG is a device that is used to protect your network from unwanted visitors. In other words, it is like a firewall. But the main difference is that a firewall can protect you from threats outside of your network and the SWG can protect you from threats inside your network.

An SWG will provide a gateway for your users to visit only established websites and to access only allowed content. It will also scan each packet coming into a network and send back the information that it deems as safe or non-safe.

So, here are many benefits if you have an SWG in your network::

  • Protection against malware attacks. An SWG can scan every packet which enters your network and stop malware attacks right away. It will inspect every packet and make sure that it passes through without any damage.
  • Firewall protection. Not only will the SWG make sure that it blocks any threats inside your network, but it will also block any threats outside of your network from entering your network.
  • Bandwidth protection. It can limit the amount of bandwidth usage for each user. This is to avoid overuse of bandwidth and prevent your company from paying higher bills than usual
  • Security restrictions. It will limit the number of connections per user. So, this means that the users cannot download multiple files at one time which would slow down the whole system
  • No malware. The SWG makes sure that no malware gets through. So even if a user accidentally downloads some malware files, they will be blocked by the SWG so they cannot enter the system
  • User management. SWG allows you to connect with users on a one on one basis, as well as monitor their activities and block suspicious activity

How to Use Secure Web Gateway for Your Business

One downside to using an SWG is that it requires maintenance to work properly. However, this should not be taken lightly. Because an SWG needs maintenance regularly to function properly. 

So, this is why you need to hire an expert to maintain it for you. Because if you do not, then there is no telling what kind of damage it may cause to your system or how much money you might have to pay off in damages or loss of data or money. 

There are some cases where businesses have lost their data or money. This is due to a lack of the right personnel or knowledge about cybersecurity issues.


As you can see, an SWG is a very important part of your network. All businesses need an SWG. This is especially true if you are a business that deals with sensitive or private client information or customers. 

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