What are the Benefits of a CASB?

Benefits of a CASB

Do you know what a CASB is? What are the Benefits of a CASB? No, it’s not a type of cheese or an alien life form. A CASB (Cloud access security broker) is a software service that helps businesses manage and secure their use of cloud applications. 

Read on to learn about the benefits of using a CASB and determine if one might be right for your company!

What are the Benefits of a CASB?

Technology changes as new systems and ideas come out. As these changes happen, many documents move into the Cloud, which tends to happen when people use “Software as a Service” or SaaS platforms. People are moving to the cloud because it is more affordable than other ways of getting things done

When it comes to cloud computing, speed, cost, and the ability to grow business solutions quickly make it the new normal. This is why cloud computing is the new normal.

Cloud applications like SalesForce, Office 365, and DropBox let businesses move their data to a more flexible resource to cut costs and make it easier to keep track of data. With the use of the Cloud, there is also a risk to cloud security.

In the next part, we’ll talk about how to keep data on the Cloud safe. When moving data into third-party services, the data do hide and vulnerable so it should use Cloud Access Security Brokers’ CASB solutions to make it safer. If you’ve been looking for the right CASB solution, here are five of the best things about them that can help.

Shadow IT Solutions 

Make sure you know about things that aren’t known. A solution called a Cloud Application Security Broker (CASB) lets you see what’s going on in “Shadow IT.” 

This helps you find risky cloud apps, stop people from using apps that do not approve, and figure out which users are most at risk. To follow the rules and regulations like HIPAA, one needs to be careful when choosing cloud apps (approved apps). It sets up rules and policies that work with the workflow. It will make sure that any data put on the Cloud is legal and safe.

People who think certain apps are dangerous can call them “unapproved apps,” and their use can be limited. Among sanctioned apps are productivity tools like Office 365 and “File Collaboration Apps” like Box, DropBox, and Google Drive. These apps are used for support and marketing, R&D, and other things in a business.

Make sure there are no cyber threats.

Threats can be real or virtual and come from outside or inside. One needs to use a CASB solution to make the Cloud more secure to best fight these threats. People who want to get their hands on business data always look for networks that aren’t very secure.

It’s easy to protect yourself from both outside and inside threats if you use a strong CASB solution. Using a cloud service, you can control who has access to your data, what they can and can’t do, and even how they can and can’t share files with other people.

Prevent Data Leakage

A strong CASB solution must have a module that works to stop data leaks or Data Loss Prevention (DLP). DLP solutions allow the organization to put very strict rules. It also limits on what people can and can’t do, making it impossible for people with malicious intentions to run their businesses.

It could be a device restriction, access restriction, geo-location restriction, time restriction, or something else. A CASB solution makes it easier to permit people from different company parts. This DLP is in charge of both data that is moving and data that isn’t moving.

Manage Privileged Accounts and Administration

A good CASB solution helps an organization manage and streamline its cloud operations more effectively. This is done by putting privileged accounts at the top of the list. It then manages them and putting restrictions and permissions in place to access and manage data in the safest way possible.

Most of the time, the admin has more privileges and rights. A threat to an organization’s admin sections will be called a “serious threat” because it could lead to bigger losses than a user at the bottom of its chain.

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