Is Data Protection In New York Effective?

data protection in new york

Is data protection in New York effective? An article written on the subject of data protection in New York from the perspective of a government official suggests that it is not. The article discusses how hackers can obtain information such as passwords and sensitive information, and what security measures are currently to protect against this. 

Is Data Protection In New York Effective?

The New York Privacy Act, reintroduced in the state Senate and Assembly on Jan. 6, would “require companies to disclose their methods of de-identifying personal information. 

It is to place special safeguards around data sharing and to allow consumers to obtain the names of all entities with whom their information.”

The NY Privacy Act obligates companies to disclose their methods of de-identifying personal data and install safeguards for personal data. Also, the New York state legislature has had multiple occasions to pass the legislation, which was first introduced in 2008.

What is the New York Privacy Act?

The New York state legislature has had multiple occasions to pass the legislation, which was first introduced in 2008. Also, the act would obligate companies to disclose their methods of de-identifying personal data and install safeguards for personal data. 

It would also provide consumers with the option of obtaining a list of all entities with whom their information. In practice, many companies have already adopted some of these measures, claiming that they are sufficient to protect privacy. 

But proponents of this legislation argue that without a law, companies are not to follow specific guidelines when they collect and store personal information. 

This can lead to more opportunities for companies to violate consumer privacy. It can lead to more opportunities for companies to violate consumer privacy. 


To ensure that the law provides consumers with the information and control they need over their information, the legislation includes several objectives. This bill is currently in the Assembly Consumer Affairs and Protection Committee. 

The New York Privacy Act is not the only legislative action. The European Union is currently negotiating a new framework for data protection

This new framework, called the General Data Protection Regulation, would replace the 1995 Data Protection Directive, which will be effective on May 25, 2018. 

This legislation gives people in Europe greater control over their data and the privacy of their personal information. Also, this legislation gives people in Europe greater control over their data and the privacy of their personal information. 

What are Some of the Key Provisions? 

These include increased rights to data portability, allowing individuals to obtain. Also, reuse their data for their purposes; a right to be forgotten. 

This allows individuals to restrict the data that companies hold about them; and a right of data access, which will allow individuals to obtain from companies a copy of their data. 

These new laws will apply to all companies around the world that process the personal data of EU citizens. The European Commission has indicated that it is considering making these regulations applicable to non-EU countries as well. 

While at first glance these regulations may seem onerous, they are promising steps toward greater transparency in how personal information is handled, and ultimately greater data protection for consumers.


This article was from the perspective of a government official. It is doubtful, given the current state of technology, that personal data can be completely protected and de-identified, which would lead to the implementation of this bill. 

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