Focus On Secure Web Gateway

Focus On Secure Web Gateway

Why do you need to focus on secure web gateway (SWG) more than ever? Can your company benefit from this? Find out below.

Focus On Secure Web Gateway: The Benefits

An SWG is a gateway where all the inbound and outbound Internet traffic passes through your company. It serves as the single point of access to or from the Internet. Thus, protecting this device is a top priority in securing your company’s data.

What benefits can this device bring? It can monitor and control web usage inside the company. It makes controlling and securing Internet usage by employees possible. Employees get to use only what they are allowed to use online. It can prevent employees from accessing illegal or malicious sites that can harm their computers or network.

Moreover, it can be used as a proxy server for monitoring employees’ web usage. You can use it to block access to specific websites and content based on your company’s requirements. It can prevent malware infection by employing content filtering and anti-virus solutions. 

Also, it prevents malware from entering your network without fail. So you don’t have to spend days cleaning up infected computers, networks, and data anymore. It can then help prevent business data from being stolen or exposed through phishing scams, fraudulent emails, and other types of scams that require a user’s login credentials.

Further, it can prevent employees from accessing social networking sites at work. Because if not monitored and controlled, and will cause them to waste time on these sites instead of focusing on their tasks at hand.

Finally, it can prevent employees from accessing pornographic or other inappropriate sites while they are at work and cause them to lose focus on their job. This is why some companies have blocked social networking sites already, with pornography topping their list of blocked websites. Because they cause most online distractions among employees at work.

Focus On Secure Web Gateway: How?

How, then, can you focus on using SWG? Firstly, you need to understand the benefits of this device in securing your company’s data. So it is worth the investment, and you can justify the cost. 

Secondly, you need to determine if it is already part of your network protection or not. If not, then you need to plan its purchase and installation. Lastly, you need to check if there are any SWG-related issues at hand.

A few issues can cast doubt on the quality of your device. These include slow Internet speed that prevents employees from doing their tasks at hand. Or frequent website crashes that hamper productivity as well as frustrate employees to the point that they want to access these sites at any cost.

If you are experiencing these issues with your company’s Internet connection, then you need a reliable SWG solution to fix them. And again, it is worth the investment because it will help increase productivity. And it will secure your company’s data from being compromised by malware or other threats.


An SWG has become one of the most important devices in securing your company’s data and preventing business losses due to cyber-attacks. And if you have not yet installed one, then this is the right time to do so.

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