Network Security Solutions Architect

Network Security Solutions Architect

Here we will introduce you to the role of a network security solutions architect. You will know all about this role and how to be one. So, read on.

Network Security Solutions Architect

A network security solutions architect is a person that is responsible for designing and implementing network security solutions for an organization. The job of an architect is to design and implement effective systems, applications, and technologies. Ones that are used to protect an organization’s networks, computers, and information.

So, to be one, you will need to have a bachelor’s degree in computer science. Or computer engineering or information technology. In most cases, you will need to have several years of experience in designing and implementing network security systems. As well as at least two years of experience as a network security solutions architect.

Then, you must be familiar with firewalls, encryption techniques, and intrusion detection systems. As well as be able to identify potential threats to system security. Good knowledge of various operating systems, programming languages, and databases is also vital.

Moreover, the first step is to gain some experience in networking or computer security. As an architect you may need to:

  • create firewall rules and intrusion detection systems, 
  • install data encryption software, 
  • manage and configure routers as well as 
  • maintain log files related to intrusions or attacks on the network.

Network Security Solutions Architect Job Description

A network security solutions architect must have extensive knowledge of various networking technologies. Such as routers, switches, firewalls etcetera. He must have a broad knowledge of operating systems including Windows, Linux, and Unix servers. As well as desktop operating systems such as Windows XP, Macintosh OS X, Linux etcetera. 

Then, a good knowledge of IP addressing and subnetting is necessary for this job. He must understand current trends in information technology. And be able to apply that knowledge to the design of secure networks for an organization. 

He should also guide on how information technology can be used to minimize the risk of unauthorized access. Or damage from loss of data or computer viruses or hacking attacks.

Then, he should also help ensure compliance with any industry standards related to information technology. One that affects the work environment within an organization. Such as HIPAA (health insurance) regulations or SOX (Sarbanes-Oxley) regulations among many others.

Finally, he must coordinate with other IT departments within the company. Such as human resources or the IT department. This is especially vital when working on projects that affect multiple departments within the company. 

For example, when upgrading parts of the company’s online presence. Or when implementing new company policies related to online activities that affect the department. This avoids any confusion or even resistance that may occur from employees that do not know why the change is needed.


As you can see, a network security solutions architect is a vital role within any company. Without a good architect, the company will be vulnerable to attacks and hackers. And it will be losing valuable data. So, if you are interested in this job, try to gain experience in networking or computer security first. 

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