Is Cloud Access Security Broker Useful?

Is Cloud Access Security Broker

Is cloud access security broker useful? Can your company benefit from using this kind of tool today? If yes, how so?

Is Cloud Access Security Broker Useful?

To begin, a cloud access security broker (CASB) refers to a software solution that can be deployed in cloud services. And it is designed to monitor and control the access to cloud resources. CASB is made to monitor the cloud and all activities that are done within it. It can monitor the information sharing, network traffic, and identity of the users who are accessing the data.  

Moreover, it can also check for compliance with the rules and procedures set by your company. It also has an audit log that can track every single activity done on a network. This includes both possible criminal activities and accidental errors that may occur while using cloud services. 

Then, the audit logs will contain information regarding civil liberties violations and unauthorized access to a company’s information.

So, a CASB is useful when it comes to complying with the requirements of different regulations like PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard). And also SOX (Sarbanes-Oxley Act). Companies in the financial sector especially have to comply with this requirement of PCI DSS. And they need additional protection from unauthorized access to their networks.

Further, a CASB can also control how data is shared in a multitenant environment. It will be able to check for sensitive information being shared among other companies that are part of the same cloud service provider. As well as checking for any violations of license agreements.

While CASB provides a more secure environment for your business, it does come with some disadvantages as well. The most common issue about it is the cost. It will cost you more if you are planning on using one since you need to contract a third-party vendor who will install the solution for you. 

Cloud Access Security Broker Benefits to Your Company

If your company is in the market for cloud services and you are still unsure if CASB is useful or not, here are some of the benefits it can provide to you. Using a CASB can help you determine if your company’s data is being stored in a secure environment. 

Further, it will be able to check for any risks of a data breach. This way, you will know if your data is safe or if it needs to be moved to another cloud provider. Also, a CASB can help to monitor for information-sharing violations and also detect malware in your network.

Moreover, a CASB can also manage the user accounts that use cloud services. It can monitor for any suspicious activities like brute-force attacks and unauthorized access attempts.

Final Words

So, whether or not you should use a CASB depends on your business needs and requirements. If you are planning on using the cloud services offered by your company then perhaps it would be best to invest in one. So that you can ensure that all data transactions within it are done securely. And also according to regulations set by different industries that require compliance with their standards.

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