What is the most important data protection qualification? And how can you reach this kind of qualification? Anyone interested in this field must know this. So, read on.
Data Protection Qualification
The most important data protection qualification is the CIPP/E certification. This is the most important of this kind. It is issued by the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP).
It is a must for anyone who wants to be a specialist in data protection. This qualification is the most important data protection qualification because it is recognized worldwide. Also, this certification will make you a certified privacy professional / data protection professional. And give you the right to use the letters CIPP/E behind your name.
So, to get this certificate, you have to take a series of exams that cover all aspects of Data Protection Law. The exam consists of two parts:
- The first part has two parts: (1) A multiple-choice test; and (2) A multiple-choice test including scenario questions. Then, you are allowed to miss one question in each part of the test, but no more than that.
- The second part consists of a multiple-choice paper, with scenario questions added to that paper as well.
Moreover, with this qualification, you can easily find a job in any company or agency that handles personal data protection issues. Also, with this qualification, you will have access to some interesting career opportunities. Those that are not available for non-certified people working in this field.
For example, you can be authorized to audit companies’ data protection practices. Or you can become an advisor on data protection issues (not just on legislation).
Data Protection Qualification Requirements
The IAPP does not allow professionals from specific countries to take these exams. The list of these countries is mentioned in the FAQ section, but some examples may help clarify this issue:
- in Europe, Germany and Sweden are not eligible for these exams;
- in Asia, Japan and China are not eligible as well.
But if you want this kind of qualification, it is quite simple to get it. First, you just need a good training course. And then take the exams within one year after completing your training course. And if you don’t pass your exams, you will be able to retake them within 45 days after your initial attempt without paying again for any new courses and tests.
Why Have This?
Why, then, should you have this kind of qualification? Firstly, if you have this qualification, you will stand out among your peers. You will be able to get more jobs and better salaries. Secondly, you will have access to more interesting career opportunities.
And thirdly, you can be a real asset to your employer. Because with this qualification you can provide real solutions for any data protection problems in the company in which you work.
But remember, if you want to get this qualification, then choose a good training course provider. Because it is important to know that the IAPP does not offer these courses directly. These courses are offered by third-party providers. So, do not forget about that when choosing a training provider for this certification.